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Angie Stride

Shed #3


Memory and states of mind are recurrent concerns that inform my work.

This show, with Prime Projects at Binswood Allotments, has provided an opportunity to revisit these ideas in relation to the ex-servicemen from WW1 who were first allocated these allotments in 1920.


Shed #3 is a kinetic piece. It has wheels so it can travel and explore different locations. But wherever we might travel physically we take our mindset, so Shed #3 is a metaphor for both sanctuary and constraint.

It could be a place of isolation, a place where one is trapped by constricted and constrictive mental processes, a place of silent screaming. It could also be a place of safety with no demands, a place of passivity or meditation, with reference to childhood dens or mummy's skirts.

shed #3 _ binswood 2.jpg
shed #3 _ binswood 3.jpg
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